The PushMap shows where CPMs are authorized to practice.

And where they are not.

The PushMap above shows where CPMs are legally authorized to practice in 38 states (GREEN states). When the Big Push for Midwives Campaign was first conceived in November 2007, only 21 states allowed CPMs to be legally authorized to practice. There are 12 states and 3 territories to go.
Download a PDF of the PushMap here.

As of 2023:

  • 37 States Regulate CPMs (Law Enacted / Rules in Some States)
  • 1 State Legalized CPMs by Statute (Law Enacted)
  • Also, CPMs are now regulated in the District of Columbia (Law Enacted)
  • CPMs are not legally authorized to practice in 12 states and 3 territories (GOLD areas). In these jurisdictions, CPMs are at risk of criminal prosecution for practicing medicine or nursing without a license, which drives the practice of midwifery underground and creates barriers to access for women seeking maternity care. 

The PushChart shows the state-by-state regulation picture of where CPMs can legally practice.

And where they cannot.

The PushChart above shows the state-by-state regulation picture of where CPMs can legally practice and where they cannot. The first column shows the states in alphabetical order. The third column shows the states in the order they legally authorized CPMs to practice.
Download a PDF of the PushChart here.

Time Marches On:

It took 90 years for women to gain the right to vote.

We are at 50 years and counting to provide legal access to Certified Professional Midwives (CPMs) in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. We need your help to push for increased access to birth options!

The PushStates are where the work is, where your hands and feet are most needed right now.

And where you can help.

See the PushStates below that are in action. Contact these folks on the ground today, wherever it means the most to you, and help increase access (or maintain access) to CPMs for families. Many hands (feet!) make light work.

Please join your state group(s) today and increase access to CPMs!